Local Action for the EU Green Deal
"GoGreen - Local Action for the EU Green Deal" is an Erasmus+ project that aims to educate decision-makers and public officials for better local environmental action.
The project will run for three years and will involve six partner institutions. The main goal is to train decision-makers, public officers, and consultants at the local governance level in order to implement the European Green Deal and improve their overall environmental performance.

According to the European Commission, climate change and environmental deterioration threaten Europe and the world's future. Europe needs a new growth plan to become a modern, resource-efficient, and competitive economy. The European Commission developed a plan to improve resource efficiency by moving to a clean, circular economy, restore biodiversity, and reduce pollution. EU GREEN DEAL is this road map. This shift isn't just about central policies and proposals. Local governments regulate, care for, and provide local orientation under the EU Green Deal. Local public officers and environmental advisers must be prepared to make solid environmental judgments, improve local green action, and inspire communities to adopt eco-conscious behaviours. This project is needed because local governments struggle to implement the Green Deal. Many public officers or professionals responsible for environmental departments are promoted to 'higher' jobs throughout their careers, but may not have the time or availability to update their expertise on fast changing environmental goals, concerns, rules, and solutions.
GoGreen's main objective is to improve local environmental performance through training public officers, advisors, and other staff involved in environmental concerns, difficulties, and local action. In order to achieve this, the project aims to:
provide support to environmental personnel in acquiring and developing key competences and knowledge regarding central topics in green governance
provide evidence-based solutions and inform the implementation of local initiatives boosting sustainability on key environmental issues.
create a network of ''green local action'' ambassadors, able to implement and replicate their learnings in their regions and, further, through the desired multiplied impact, across Europe;
disseminate the implementation of the EU Green Deal at a local level, through an innovative network of sharing and co-learning.